Wednesday, September 3, 2014


accoutrements - noun additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
-EX- He carried his accoutrements in his jansport backpack on the hike.

apogee - noun apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth; a final climactic stage

-EX- as the satellite hit its apogee, something went wrong and all systems went offline.

apropos - adj. of an appropriate or pertinent nature; adv. by the way; at an opportune time
-EX- It was an apropos moment to turn on the satellite's backup power source, but it wasn't working.

bicker - noun a quarrel about petty points; verb argue over petty things
-EX- Bickering emerged from the NASA headquarters over the backup power source.

coalesce - verb fuse or cause to grow together; mix together different elements
-EX- The scientists began coalescing different elements in the lab to work on finding a new power source.

contretemps - noun an awkward clash
-EX- As one of the scientists walked out of the door, he contretemps another one and they spill their chemicals. 

convolution - noun the action of coiling or twisting or winding together; a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain; the shape of something rotating rapidly
-EX- the liquid chemicals solidified and created a convolution of shapes and colors.

cull - noun the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality; verb remove something that has been rejected;look for and gather
-EX- The generic replaceable power grid was culled in place of this newfound energy chemical.

disparate - adj. including markedly dissimilar elements;fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
-EX- The disparate between these two power sources was immense. The chemical was vastly superior.

dogmatic - adj. characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles; relating to or involving dogma; of or -pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
-EX-  Some of the dogmatic members of NASA believed it to be unholy, and something bad would come from it, but they did it anyways.

licentious - adj. lacking moral discipline; especially sexually unrestrained
-EX- The licentious, evil boss of NASA should have listened to some of these people, because his nature would lead to the downfall of the entire business.

mete - noun a line that indicates a boundary
-EX- Once the ship crossed the mete that defined atmosphere into space, it drifted towards its target.

noxious - adj. injurious to physical or mental health
-EX- Everyone in the NASA HQ Room was noxious with excitement for this new discovery.

polemic - adj. of or involving dispute or controversy; noun a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma); a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)
-EX- While most agreed it was one step ahead of the competitors, some of the more polemic workers argued just for the sake of argument.

populous - adj. densely populated
-EX- Once the launch was a success, the populous of the camera room increased three-fold.

probity - noun complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
-EX- The lead designer of the rocket boasted with probity of his launch, that made it directly on target.

repartee - noun adroitness and cleverness in reply
-EX- When anyone dissed his rocket, he was quick with a repartee that backed up his statements.

supervene - verb take place as an additional or unexpected development
-EX- And then suddenly, his moment was supervened by something happening on the launch camera. Alien ships began flying in from every side of the earth, directly to the chemical.

truncate - adj. terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; verb make shorter as if by cutting off; approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; replace a corner by a plane
-EX- As the alien ships made their way into Earth's atmosphere, many lives were truncated in the wake. Buildings and families were devastated.

unimpeachable - adj. beyond doubt or reproach; completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach; free of guilt; not subject to blame
-EX- The CEO decided to take all of the security guards in the facility to his office, having them personally guard him and him only. He felt unimpeachable, but he was quickly proven wrong as the aliens, alongside his workers, climbed right over all of the security and stole the CEO after all.

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