Thursday, March 12, 2015

Education, Ego, and Misconceptions

When someone mentioned how smart Lukas was today, and he replied with "No I'm not", and we got into the conversation about taking compliments and how it's seen as arrogant to be sure of yourself, one person popped into my head. And that one person's name is Kanye West. When many people hear the name, they instantly think about the bad things he's known for by the media, but not many people think of who he is as a whole and what he's created. Just listening to a few interviews of his view on the world and of course, his music, you can really get a picture of who he is and why so many people love him. He was in an interview recently where he talked about a lot of things we are currently talking about in this class, and that have to do with my masterpiece, and I just wanted to share it in the hopes that some people get their minds changed a little. A lot of the things he had to say were very interesting and thought provoking. I really do think he's one of the most important and influential creatives of this generation, just portrayed badly by the big entertainment media outlets like E! and TMZ. (blech)

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